First & Second Degree
Certification Classes
You will be awarded First Degree and Second Degree
Certification at the completion of each program.
We do not use , include or teach any other
alternative methods in our programs.
It is Reiki in it's purest and simplest form
as originally taught and passed on in
direct lineage of
Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Gray, Rosenthal.
The classes are intimate and small.
Reiki is easy to learn & can be taught to everyone.
(including challenged individuals)
Reiki Master certification is also available but
requires extensive training and time.
First Degree
Upcoming classes
Next class for March is us for
future classes
+++ Note: Classes held for two or more to
suit individual schedules.
They can be held on two days of 3+ hrs. each...
or...shorter sessions of 1 12 hrs. or so over
3 to 4 meetings.
If interested in classes for specific
groups...timing and location can be set up.
Any questions or for more information,
please feel free to contact us.
Cost: $150
Learn the ancient & natural method of healing to enhance and balance your health & quality of life.
Reiki quickens and aids healing on all levels:
Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.
Reiki helps provide access to the unlimited light-filled
Universal Life Force Energy. It is a viable & effective method
which enables us to bring the energy into us, and through us,
to provide balance, harmony, and healing in
our lives and to everyone and everything we touch.
This could involve the resolution of health problems,
change in rigid beliefs and attitudes, making decisions
that have been put off or ignored, and discovery of
one's true values and important factors in life.
Upon completion of this class, you will
receive your Reiki Practitioner Certification.
In this class you will also learn to give Reiki to animals.
Second Degree
Contact us for upcoming dates
of classes
Private class available for this certification.
Contact us for upcoming schedule.
Cost: $500
Learn to take the Healing Energy of Reiki out
of time and space.
Can send to help us "think positive"
and remain centered and balanced.
One can send the Universal Life Force Energy
to the past, present, and future.
If you can think it... you can send to it.
Heals past relationships and helps future ones.
Heals old wounds and clarifies decision making in life.
Can be sent to promote healing of world hunger,
global warming, peace, to foster harmony
and wisdom in our families, communities,
and governments, on all levels:
Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual.
The Second Degree increases the power of the
healing energy and augments intuition.
First Degree certification with
Jeanne Sands or initiated by
a Reiki Master in our lineage
and practice for a minimum of
3 months or longer
to qualify for Second Degree.