Reiki (Ray - Key) is a powerful
and precise system of
healing energy that can be
used for literally
everyone, everything and anything.
It can be
physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional.
It was rediscovered in the early 1900's by Dr. Mikao Usui.
Reiki's origins are found in the Tibetan sutras,
the ancient records of cosmology and philosophy.
This energy is also known as prana, mana, chi, holy spirit,
source, and helps promote healing in
all living things on the
physical, mental,. emotional, and spiritual levels.
The word Rei (ray) is interpreted to mean Universal life...
(knowledge of spiritual consciousness which is all knowing)
and Ki (key) is energy or the life force. It is also called the
vital life force or the universal life force.
The ability to have this healing energy is ever-present to
all of us. One must be attuned to the frequency
(or vibration) passed on by a Reiki Master.
It is important to choose a Master/Teacher with
discrimination and research as there are several who are
not properly trained or certified to help you achieve
the maximum of care and knowledge.
As you will note, our lineage is direct and short and
the teachings & information
have not been altered in any way...
this is "pure Reiki in it's truest form.
There are so many Reiki courses being offered and,
unfortunately ,you may be receiving
inaccurate or faulty information and attunements.
We do not use our own energy...our lineage
enables us to channel the most healing, pure,
and beautiful energy.
++ Our Traditional lineage has been passed down
directly from a very short list of Masters and "in person"...
Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Gray, myself (Sands)
after years and extensive training and you are
assured of receiving the most valuable and truest
of Reiki energy attunements and instruction.
Please check out The Reiki Alliance web site for a list of
Masters that are located near you...
This hands-on healing art is a powerful compliment to
the conventional therapeutic method. It fuels the
body's homeostatic mechanisms and assists
in restoring balance on the
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
The Reiki Masters and Reiki Practitioners are
channels for this healing.
How does Reiki Heal?
The life force flows within the physical body through
pathways called chakras, meridians, and nadirs.
We are alive because of this.
It flows around us in a field of energy called the
"aura" nourishing the organs and cells of the body as
it supports them in their vital functions.
When this flow is disrupted, it causes
diminished functions in the organs and tissues of
the physical body.
The life force is also responsive
to thoughts or feelings.
Negative thoughts and feelings can attach themselves
to our energy field, therefore causing a
disruption in the energy flow.
Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts
of the energy field and charging them with
positive energy.
It raises the vibratory level of the field
in and around the physical body (aura) causing
the negative energy to break apart and fall away.
In so doing, Reiki straightens, clears,
and helps to heal the energy pathways
restoring good health and balance.
Reiki can be used very effectively
on animals as well...and this is
taught in our Reiki Certification classes.